If you’re part of a high school cheer Booster Club, you are probably used to doing a lot of math. Will this fundraiser be enough for new uniforms? If each club member raises this much, can we hold an awards dinner? How much would new equipment cost? Expenses quickly add up when they’re multiplied by 10-20 members. If you’ve been hosting cheer fundraisers, but can’t seem to get ahead, it may be time to consider looking for corporate sponsorships.
What is a Corporate Sponsorship?

A corporate sponsorship means that a business is supporting your club, by contributing to it in some way. While your usual cheer fundraisers offer goods for a price, and donations are given without “strings attached,” corporate sponsorships are a bit different. With support, the businesses will be expecting something for their business in return. Don’t let that discourage you! You may find it’s easier to agree on these benefits than you think.
Who Can You Ask to Sponsor Your Organization?
Start with people you know. You don’t have to be afraid to ask people you know for sponsorships. You’d be surprised who can contribute to your high school cheer booster club. Even if your friends or family can’t be a sponsor, they may know someone else who can! Getting the word out can be just as important as finding a sponsor right now.
If you haven’t had any bites yet, you can begin asking local businesses. Many local companies love an opportunity to give back to the community, especially when it involves young people. You’ll want to prepare with a pitch. This is the perfect opportunity to boast about the organization you’re working with. Whether you’re representing the high school cheerleading team or the debate team, you can talk about why the group is important to the special young people that it’s made up of.
Some national businesses are also open to sponsorships. Although it may seem a bit daunting at first, there are plenty of companies that want to be involved locally. These businesses usually have criteria you’ll have to follow, so be sure to do your research.
How Do You Ask a Business to Sponsor Your Cheer Booster Club?

To begin closing the gap between budget and actual spending, you’re going to need to set up a sponsorship proposal. Your proposal maps out why these businesses should support you.
They often contain,
- A story: start by talking about a couple of highlights your organization has accomplished. Or create an even deeper emotional connection by telling the story of someone that your group has helped before or the impact it has made.
- Describe what your booster club does: tell potential sponsors about your group. You give back to help young women. Through hosting fundraisers, seeking sponsors and providing that money for team needs. If you have a mission statement for the booster club, you can use that.
- What benefits can you offer? This may not be very easy for your group to answer, but you can get creative with this so that it fits your group and your sponsor. If your potential sponsor is a cupcake bakery, you can promise to sell their cupcakes at your cheer fundraisers. This offers advertisement to an entire student body.
- Don’t forget to ask for the money! Businesses are busy, so they’ll likely forget and won’t have time to call you later to ask how much money you’d want. Do the work for them and have a list of options ready.
Not in the proposal, but an important step, follow up! Businesses probably aren’t going to write you a check on the spot. You’ll have to follow up with a call. Whether they’re able to sponsor your team right now or not, you can thank them for their time. You don’t want to burn any bridges because there’s always next year.
AIM is here to help your organization succeed. Check out our other blogs for fundraising inspiration, tips, PTA, PTO, or Booster Club guidance, and more!