Most non-profit organizations have enough activity to create year-round liability but occasionally we find that some groups just have the need to cover a single event. We understand that every dollar is important, so we offer Single Event Insurance to your PTA, PTO, or Booster Club as an affordable alternative.
What does Single Event Insurance cover?
AIM offers General Liability and Property coverage for single events of up to four consecutive days; this is also referred to as One Day Event Coverage.
- General Liability protects you from liability for bodily injury and property damage
- Property coverage protects the personal property owned by your organization such as fundraising merchandise, raffle items or equipment.
Most venues require groups to have General Liability (Event insurance) before an event can be held at their facilities. Single Event General Liability insurance also protects your organization if bodily injury or property damage occurs resulting from the serving or distribution of alcoholic beverages at your event; regardless of whether you give away or charge for these drinks.
If someone injures themselves during your event, this policy will not only protect you from liability if sued but also provides out of pocket medical expenses outside of a suit. Not only does this help your funds stay in your account, but it can help deter lawsuits.
Why choose One Day Event Insurance?
One day event insurance allows you to comply with venue rules and have the financial freedom and flexibility of securing short-term coverage. This coverage is great for groups planning a school carnival, fundraiser, gala, fun run, cookout, and many other activities. AIM covers more events than any other insurance carrier.
For a list of covered events under our special event liability insurance, visit: AIM’s Playlist Events
AIM specializes in insuring PTAs, PTOs, and Booster Clubs and therefore understands your needs better than any other insurance carrier. We find that most schools do not offer the protection a Parent Teacher Group needs for their events. Before your next event, contact us and make sure your organization is covered!
AIM Insurance provides a complete package of coverages available to your PTA, PTO or Booster club:
- Event Insurance will protect you if someone injures themselves at your event and takes legal action against you
- Embezzlement insurance will replace missing funds if someone runs off with your money
- Property Insurance will cover your property from fire, theft, vandalism, and more
- Directors and Officers Liability Insurance will pay to defend you if someone takes legal actions against one of your officers
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