Funs runs, walk-a-thons, and bike-a-thons are Spring fundraising staples for PTAs, PTOs, and Booster Clubs across the country. As individual-based outdoor activities, with a little extra attention and preparation, they can be COVID-19 safe fundraisers. Your community is likely ready and eager to spend some safe time outside in the fresh air, which could make your fun run a real success. So, what PTA, Booster Club, or PTO insurance does your fun run, walk-a-thon, or bike-a-thon need to avoid common pitfalls and ensure fundraiser success?
Fun Run Insurance Against Theft
The unfortunate reality is that any time money changes hands within a Parent Teacher Group there’s a chance for fund theft. AIM offers embezzlement coverage that protects your parent-teacher group’s funds against embezzlement, robbery, and theft. This coverage includes protecting stolen funds from a volunteer who skims some cash off the top. Or a thief that walks away from the fun run with a petty cash box or security deposit bag. AIM PTA, Booster Club, and PTO insurance for embezzlement even covers funds robbed by force or intimidation. Suppose you plan to sell t-shirts or handle any sort of money at your fun run. Embezzlement coverage is an excellent idea to protect your parent-teacher group from lost funds.
AIM Insurance Embezzlement Coverage
Fun Run PTA, Booster Club, or PTO Insurance Against Injury
Every event holds the potential for injury and, therefore, liability (even virtual fundraisers). Accidents unfortunately happen, and if someone is injured at your PTA, Booster Club, or PTO’s event, your group can be held liable. Liability coverage is essential coverage for outdoor, physical events like fun runs, jog-a-thons, and bike-a-thons.
These events combine multiple people doing physical activity and often road traffic. That can create a high-risk environment for injury, including multi-bicycle accidents, traffic accidents, even dehydration or torn muscles. General liability coverage for PTA, Booster Club, and PTO insurance from AIM also covers event setup and teardown. So your group is additionally covered if a volunteer gets hurt putting away group property and event supplies.
General Liability Coverage with AIM Starts at $65 per Year
Fun Run PTA, Booster Club, or PTO Insurance For Property
Volunteers and participants aren’t the only things that can get injured during your event. Your group’s property can also be damaged. Your fun run, walk-a-thon, or bike-a-thon might use tables, collapsible shade canopies, event t-shirts, megaphone bullhorn, and other items owned by your parent-teacher group. AIM PTA, Booster Club, and PTO insurance for property coverage protects your parent-teacher group’s property from damage or loss from various sources. For example, a volunteer damages a table trying to set it up. Your property would also be protected if the grill your group is using to cook hotdogs ends up starting a fire that destroys a collapsible shade canopy. Another potential situation includes someone stealing your parent-teacher group’s megaphone bullhorn.
The best part about property insurance, like the Inland Marine coverage offered by AIM, is it covers your property all the time, including while in storage. Should your property be damaged due to a fire, storm damage, or flooding, your property is still protected. Coverage even covers vandalism, should an amateur artist want to leave their mark on your group’s property. AIM property coverage covers your group’s equipment, fundraising materials, and merchandise. Insurance for your group’s property is a good idea for any event and all year round.
AIM Insurance Property Coverage
Fun Run PTA, Booster Club, or PTO Insurance For Directors & Officers
By now, your fun run, walk-a-thon, or bike-a-thon fundraiser is insured against stolen funds, injury liability, and loss of property. You may be thinking, “what else could happen?” That’s director and officer coverage for PTA, Booster Club, and PTO insurance. This coverage covers liability for the decisions your group members make and miscommunication. Directors and Officers coverage also covers wrongful acts, mismanagement, misrepresentation, or misleading information.
If a group approved a bike-a-thon fundraiser, but later the event committee realized the specifics of the event wouldn’t be amenable to bicycles, and they ad hoc changed it to a fun run. The committee members may be held liable because they did not follow their PTA, Booster Club, or PTO bylaws to make changes to an approved event. Or, it could be seen as purposefully discriminatory to the leg-disabled. AIM Directors and Officers coverage also includes inappropriate use of group funds, negligent acts, and inappropriate actions. Any parent-teacher group hosting community events and fundraisers would benefit from directors and officers coverage.
AIM Insurance Directors & Officers Liability
Keeping Your Fun Run Successful
You do not have to plan and run many events before understanding that no event goes perfectly to plan. Occasionally there’s something missed in the planning stages. Still, often it’s the unpredictable nature of events that makes improvisation during an event unavoidable. We do our best to avoid common pitfalls, but mistakes and accidents will happen. AIM is here to provide your PTA, Booster Club, or PTO insurance to give you the peace of mind to do good for your kids, your school, and your community.
So, get your event planned, get the necessary insurance, and put on a great fun run, walk-a-thon, or bike-a-thon fundraiser!