During the Fall semester, we received an exceptional amount of questions about parent teacher group event insurance. Many, liability and coverage questions about COVID-19 and in-person events. AIM also received questions about virtual events, what liability issues exist, and whether or not groups are covered for those issues with their current coverage. We have put together our most frequently asked questions to help you navigate the Spring 2021 semester and address your COVID-19 insurance coverage concerns.
1. Does our general liability insurance cover our group’s events for COVID-19?
This is a very common coverage question. All AIM policies have a standard exclusion for communicable diseases. This exclusion extends to everything from Chicken Pox to the annual Flu season, and yes, COVID-19.
However, proving a group’s event liable for someone contracting a widespread, communicable disease would be difficult. Regardless, AIM urges all groups to practice caution and follow your local, state, and organizational guidelines for holding events.
2. Can our group hold in-person events?
AIM is not discouraging any PTA, PTO, or booster club from holding face-to-face gatherings, in-person events or in-person meetings. We do re-emphasize it is imperative your group follows your local, state, and organizational guidelines and practices. Make these a consideration when determining and planning your events. Include provisions for guidelines such as face coverings and maintaining social distancing.
3. Can our group be held liable is someone contracts COVID-19 at our event?
While proving your PTA, PTO, or booster club is specifically liable when COVID-19 is a widespread communicable disease that could be contracted anywhere would be difficult, it is possible. As a coverage question, it is important to understand holding your in-person event off school property holds the same liability risk as any event on school property.
If your group exhibited gross negligence in protecting event attendees, holding your group liable would be much easier. Negligence of this sort would include disregarding local or state COVID-19 guidelines. Or, if the group knowingly exposed others to COVID-19, such as holding an event with a confirmed COVID-19 positive member or volunteer.
4. Why does our group need liability coverage for virtual events?
To answer this coverage question, holding any type of event (including meetings) creates liability for your group, even virtual events. While you are familiar with someone at an in-person event becoming injured and holding your group liable, you may not know the same applies to virtual event. Any person who is hurt as a result of doing something on your behalf, following your instruction, or following your directions could hold you liable.
Virtual Event Liability Examples
- Volunteer injured setting up for your virtual event
- Person injured following your group’s virtual yoga instruction
- Child injured completing an individual, 3-mile Fun Run event without proper heat precautions or traffic guidance
5. Why does our group need insurance coverage if we’re not holding events?
A common coverage question, but sometimes parent teacher groups can be hesitant to inquire. AIM offers coverage options beyond general event liability. Your group could still suffer a loss to group funds, group property, or decisions your group makes without holding events.
Embezzlement & Theft
Embezzlement is AIM’s most commonly reported incident. Money is always a tempting target for theft and when economic and personal financial pressures rise so do the occurrences of theft and embezzlement. Theft coverage with AIM ensures your group’s funds are protected.
More about AIM’s Embezzlement Coverage
This coverage protect your PTA, PTO, or booster club’s personal property. Especially when you are not holding events, your group’s equipment or fundraising merchandise can be unattended for weeks on end creating opportunity for theft, vandalism, or destruction. Property coverage with AIM insures your group’s personal property against theft, vandalism, or destruction by people, fire, and more.
More about AIM’s Property Coverage
Directors & Officers
Directors and Officers (D&O) coverage protects the decisions your PTA, PTO, or booster club officers make. Regardless of the amount of events your group plans to hold, your directors and officers make decisions all the time. These decisions may be subject to higher scrutiny under the current state of affairs.
For example, a parent could sue a group for spending money on playground renovations over virtual learning resources like laptops. Your group can be sued over a simple difference of opinion or subject to a frivolous lawsuit. AIM’s D&O coverage steps in to help pay legal fees.
Get Your Spring 2021 Coverage Questions Answered
We hope this helps answer your Spring 2021 PTA, PTO, and booster club questions about COVID-19, virtual events, and policy coverage. If you need more help, or clarification on any of these issues make sure and Contact Us. Together we can finish the 2020-2021 school year strong!