As schools open to an unconventional Fall semester in 2020, many are struggling to stretch their resources. Many schools already run on thin budgets and that is being spread even thinner to accommodate new health guidelines to protect the students, staff, and parents. The good news is you can help with a parent teacher group. The difficulties of this school year are just the push many parents need to get involved with their school and create a better 2020-2021 school experience for everyone.
If your school has a PTA, PTO, or a relevant booster club, become a volunteer. Studies show students with involved parents are more likely to succeed in school. Many parents avoid parent teacher groups because they’re afraid of getting buried in volunteer hours. However, there are many simple ways you can help out your school’s parent teacher group that won’t put a huge dent in your wallet or your limited free time. Not every school has a PTA, PTO, or booster club relevant to your child’s interests. If that’s the case you should consider starting one.
Why Start Parent Teacher Groups?
Parent Teacher Groups are perhaps best known for their fundraising. Most schools have limited education budgets, meaning staff often have to spend their own money to make up the difference. Even if a school has a real need for expensive equipment, they may not be able to pay for it. Parent teacher groups often help schools with this sort of funding. Parent teacher groups help by paying for thing like school laptops, student and teacher PPE, or playground equipment repairs.
This Fall, schools are especially in need of assistance. Many are having to shrink budgets to purchase the PPE, hand sanitizer, additional hand washing supplies, and other items to make campuses COVID-19 safe for students, staff, and parents. This year also has the added cost of creating a virtual learning infrastructure. By starting a group you can work directly with your school to get them the supplies they need to make the 2020-2021 school year a success.
You’re Not Alone in Being a Concerned Parent
If you’re interested in creating a better education experience for your child, you can be sure other parents feel the same. Start a conversation with fellow parents. You’re likely to find a common school issue you would like to see improved. Identifying one shared issue you would like to change is all the reason needed to start a parent teacher group. It’s likely you will find more than one common issue that you could address with the resources and support a parent teacher group provides.
Improve Your Child’s Education Experience
While parent teacher groups may be best known for school fundraising, they serve others roles too. A good group is concerned with improving the education experience for everyone. Beyond helping a school make purchases, parent teacher groups are a volunteer body that can help organize and run events for students. This includes school carnivals, field trips, and other fun, educational special events once we can resume regular school activities. These events help to make the school a special place and the school year fun for students. Developing a positive association with school can help a student be more productive academically.
In the same way, your parent teacher organization can provide warmth and appreciation for the school’s staff. Educators have very difficult positions that can sometimes feel thankless. More than fun events for children, your parent teacher group can organize fun events for educators or provide the school staff with gifts of gratitude for their hard work and dedication. Your organization’s warmth and appreciation can help educators stay upbeat and motivated on providing the best education possible for their students.
Help Those in Need
Starting a parent teacher group gives you and others an opportunity to help those in need. More than fundraising and fun events, your group can help improve another child’s life. Parent teacher groups often help to purchase and distribute school supplies to students in need. They can also help students on free or reduced-price meal plans with weekend care packages of non-perishable food. Your parent teacher organization can even put together a giving tree or other festive program to provide holiday gifts to lower-income students.
Your parent teacher group doesn’t only have to focus on the school. You can work with many nonprofit organizations to make your community a better place. Consider fundraising for a local animal shelter, food bank, or volunteering for community beautification. The sky is the limit when it comes to impact you can make in your community.
Protect Your Parent Teacher Groups
PTAs, PTOs, and booster clubs have the best of intentions. Unfortunately, they can still be held liable and be subjected to lawsuits. AIM was founded in response to that very situation. A PTA was sued over the purchase and installation of playground equipment when a child was injured. This caused the PTA to spend its funds on expensive legal fees rather than supporting the school. From those humble roots, AIM is now the national leader and largest writer of PTAs, PTOs, and booster clubs in the United States. We currently insure 23,000 groups like yours, across all 50 states.
Parent teacher group coverage from AIM helps to protect your organization, its funds, events, and property. AIM offers four standard coverage policies for parent teacher groups, plus more specialized coverage to meet your needs.
Click the Policy Types to Learn More
How to Start Your Parent Teacher Group
Parent teacher groups are easy to start. See if you have any common school issues with other parents. If you do, you should write them down so everyone understands your group’s mission. Then speak with your school’s principal about creating a parent teacher group. For more information on creating bylaws, setting up an EIN, electing officers, and incorporating your organization see How to Start a PTA, PTO, or Booster Club.
AIM is the largest protector of good people doing good things. We are here to help you make the 2020-2021 school year a success.